Friday, May 15, 2015

3 Ways I'd Like to Make Money Online

1. Etsy
I love Etsy because I like to support small businesses with unique ideas. I have my own shop on Etsy but I haven't fully developed it yet. Etsy is available around the world and consists of people who are crafty and want to sell their product. They create an online shop with a few key words for the products to be easily found. They can offer multiple products so you look through their "store" like a regular online store. There are a few rules with the products you sell. They need to be either handmade or vintage. I bought quite a few things off of Etsy when I was planning my wedding and have continue through for birthday and Christmas presents. Its a great way to give something that is tailored for a specific person. To visit Etsy and set up your own store, click on
2. Craigslist
Craigslist is an online database with classified ads categorized by country and city all around the world. Its it then broken down even farther into car, housing rentals, services, etc. I sell quite a bit on craigslist such as textbooks to recently my kitchen table. Although you need to be a bit wary and street smart as to what your buying. to check craigslist out and start shopping locally click 
3. Ebay
If you feel like Craigslist is not reaching enough people, you could sell on Ebay. Ebay is world wide classified/auction house where you can sell just about anything you can think of. You have options such as letting people bid on your item or letting them buy it without having to go through the bidding process with having your price already set. It's a great way to get a bigger audience and possibly buy something you didn't know existed! To check out Ebay, click on

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